Saturday, September 19, 2009

Color and Personality

I always laugh with personality tests because the results are usually consistent—and fairly accurate (at least I think so; my sister might disagree). So it wasn’t too much of a surprise when I took the color and personality tests in class and got the results.

I am not sure what my “magenta” aura color means, but I did find a color code on another website which describes a “pink-bright and light” (magenta is a bright pink): loving, tender, sensitive, sensual, artistic, affection, purity, compassion; new or revived romantic relationship. Can indicate clairaudience.” I have good hearing, but I am not clairaudient. Apparently, a red aura means a healthy ego—which my friends have been telling me for years. ( However at another website, the description of a “magenta” aura (a bit too long to reproduce here) was sort of accurate—magenta’s can be very creative and optimistic, but I like a bit more structure in my life than what this list suggests (“cutting-edge” “urban” “avant-garde” are not terms usually used to describe me). If I have a magenta aura, it’s a rather subdued one . ( )

I finally found the missing pages to my ColorQuiz. “Inclined to choose luxurious things, which are gratifying to the senses. Turned off by things which are tacky and tasteless." Is spot-on and something that many other personality tests have said about me—I will take quality over quantity any day (and you aren’t likely to find any black-velvet paintings of Elvis in my possession either). I do like to play with kitsch in moderation though. This test also says I’m stressed out by current events, which also has some truth in it—I tend to fret about money and not having enough, especially as I get older, but I don’t see this as hampering me.

The interior design quiz is also VERY me. I had a negative reaction to the visual posted with my results (those orange pillows wouldn’t even make it past my front door) and the furniture in the photo was not me either. However, the text description is accurate—beige and various greens are the dominate wall colors (I have dark wood trim and hardwood floors so the neutrals keep the house from looking too dark). Again it says I’m driven by texture—I have very poor eyesight and a heightened sense of touch, but that luxuriousness aspect of me just loves the feel of silk velvet, wool, brocade, mink…(even the sound of these is very touchy-feeling). I also have plants (the violets and geraniums all have fuzzy leaves), both inside and outside.

The Color Code results also described me pretty well: loyal (my favorite dog breeds are spaniels, so go figure), again preferring quality over quantity, expect others to live up to my standards, dependable, etc. I will admit I can be self-righteous, moody and prone to worry. The results called my type a “sainted pit-bull” which I can see that, although I prefer being compared to a spaniel—they can be very protective too and bite when provoked, but aren’t as scary (and they have that longer silky fur too).

I found a couple of other color and personality sites—I found one that ties in color, personality, and Myers-Briggs—not too surprisingly, I am a “green” personality (this corresponds with Myers-Briggs “NF” personalities, which is what I am. According to “Color Q Profiles,” greens are creative (but need structure), like variety, can make the mundane into a great adventure. They are drawn to and work best with people like themselves (my personality opposites drive me nuts! They may be fascinating people, but I can only tolerate them in small doses). However, I note from some of the other tests I looked at that “blue” and “green” are often switched around for their attributes.

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